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- Date: Tue, 25 Nov 1997 19:13:51 -0500
- From: Roy Baker <PowerRoy@AOL.COM>
- Subject: [IML] IFW: Re: Updated States but...
- Jon Rubin wrote;
- <<I created an object with a default and two other states. I selected only
- the Shape Data Type and everything worked fine.>>
- (snip)
- <<So I went back and using the States Info
- command I added the Object Properties Data Type to all the states. Then I
- changed the color and filter values on one of the states and Updated that
- state. Unfortunately, this caused ALL of the states to changes their color
- and filtration values.>>
- (snip)
- <<So my question is: Is it possible to use the Object Properties Data Type to
- morph the base color and filter values of an object or is there some
- limitation to morphing these properties that is escaping me?>>
- Jon,
- There seems to be a problem when using states and selecting "object
- properties" (I'm assuming that you are using Imagine for Windows ver 1.3.4).
- I ran into a similar problem to what you describe just the other day. At
- other times, this problem has manifested itself by re-setting specular
- 'overdrive' full-up to 10 when you change from one state to another. I've
- also seen it kill all specular hilights completely, resulting in a very
- 'flat' looking object.
- In my particular case, I solved the problem by using the ABAttrib texture,
- UN-checking "object properties", and CHECKING "textures/brushes" in the
- states info dialog box. Then you use the ABAttrib texture to set your desired
- color/filter/specular etc. values, and updating that state. Do the same for
- any other states (using ABAttrib to set different color/filter/spec values),
- and updating. This has worked well for me at least. I shot almost an entire
- day in the butt trying to figure out what was going on with the "object
- properties" check box and different states. My final solution is this; if
- you're using states, don't check the "object properties" box at all. You'll
- save yourself a lot of hassle if you can find another way to achieve the
- effect you want. Let me know if this helps, or if I'm just mis-understanding
- your problem. (In my particular instance, I was making a 3D button for a
- large kiosk project, and when you click on the button, it changes shape, and
- also changes color and brightness). Made me real glad that the AB Textures
- are around!
- ---------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 26 Nov 1997 09:55:37 -0000
- From: Richard Foster <RFosterTG@dial.pipex.com>
- States...
- Shape data type: stores the shape of the object including the size of it
- when you scale an object.
- Grouping data type: stores the relationship of the child objects in a group
- to the parent, including position and alignment.
- Face Colors data type: stores the base colour, reflect and transparency of
- SELECTED faces using the Face Colors command in the Functions menu. This is
- a fragile command in that if you alter the base attributes of the object
- after defining the Face Colors, States will not give you what you thought.
- Object Props. data type: Stores information about all the other attributes
- excluding that covered by Face Colors and Textures/Maps. There are some
- minor problems with this including inability to store overdrive settings.
- Textures/Maps data type: Stores information on the applied textures/maps in
- as much as you can vary any of the parameters between two states.
- With Mike's permission I may release this section of the manual so's you
- can see what the rest will be like.
- ---------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 28 Nov 1997 00:13:48 -0500
- From: Roy Baker <PowerRoy@AOL.COM>
- Richard,
- In your post dated Nov 26, you wrote ...
- <snip>
- <<Object Props. data type: Stores information about all the other attributes
- excluding that covered by Face Colors and Textures/Maps. There are some
- minor problems with this including inability to store overdrive settings.>>
- I'm glad you brought this up. I've been confused about just what the "Object
- Properties" check-box was supposed to address. After reading your post (I've
- omitted all except the portion about Object Properties), I got the impression
- that what this function is 'supposed' to do is 'remember' things like base
- color, specularity settings, etc. (i.e.; 'Attributes'), for use with
- different states. Most of the time, using this option has caused me a lot of
- grief by 'remembering' that specular overdrive is always set full-up to 10.
- Since I'm still a little new to Imagine (started off using version 1.3.4,
- just a few months ago), I thought that perhaps I should conduct a few simple
- tests to see just what 'Object Properties' really does do. This is what I
- found out...
- Indeed it is _supposed_ to remember all the basic attributes of an object. In
- fact it DOES remember them ... but something is fouled up, because while it
- remembers the values that you enter into the requestor, it 'forgets' to
- actually re-apply many of them to the object when you render. Again, if you
- check the info in the requestor by switching between various states that have
- been set-up, it appears that all the attributes have been saved and recalled
- correctly (except specular overdrive). But actually rendering an object
- reveals that many of the object's attributes have not been re-applied
- correctly. Specifically, the attributes which are NOT re-applied correctly
- are;
- Base Color, Specular Color, Hardness, Reflectivity, and Filter Color.
- And the attributes that ARE re-applied correctly are;
- Roughness, Brightness, Fog, and Light settings.
- If I understand correctly, this problem has only manifested itself since the
- introduction of 'Specular Overdrive', and so only occurs in IFW 1.3.4 ... I
- also think this will be fixed in the next CUP. But I wanted to tell you
- "Thanks" for bringing this up, and stimulating my little experiment. Now that
- I've figured out just what is supposed to be included in 'Object Properties',
- and just what does and doesn't work correctly, it'll save me some time and
- effort in the future. (And again, I'll say that my work-around has been to
- use the ABAttrib Texture to set all the basic object attributes, don't check
- the 'Object Properties' box when working with states, and just use the
- 'Textures / Brushes' option instead. While the ABAttrib texture doesn't offer
- Specular Overdrive, or as many options for Fog Objects, it works great for
- things like Base Color, Specular, Hardness, Reflectivity, and Filter values).
- Again, thanx very much for your input on what has been a very perplexing
- problem for me, on a few certain occasions.
- ---------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 28 Nov 1997 19:07:03 -0800
- From: Clae & Deborah Tanett <cd@ACCUTEK.COM>
- -----Original Message-----
- From: Roy Baker <PowerRoy@AOL.COM>
- Date: Thursday, November 27, 1997 9:59 PM
- Subject: [IML] IFW: Re: Updated States but...
- >Richard,
- >
- >In your post dated Nov 26, you wrote ...
- > <snip>
- > <<Object Props. data type: Stores information about all the other
- > attributes excluding that covered by Face Colors and Textures/Maps. There
- > are some minor problems with this including inability to store overdrive
- > settings.>>
- >
- >I'm glad you brought this up. I've been confused about just what the
- >"Object Properties" check-box was supposed to address
- > I got the impression that what this function is 'supposed' to do is
- >'remember' things like base color...
- Hi
- Clae here
- >excluding that covered by Face Colors
- The Face Color option in the States requester is used for that. (I use
- procedurals textures mainly for this; hue & huevary for changing face
- coloring) BTW I use IFA 5.0 and those are Essence textures by the now bye
- bye Apex Software Inc. :)
- > specularity settings, etc. (i.e.; 'Attributes'),
- I would like to know; does IFW have an Imagine specular procedural texture
- (specular.itx). I never use the attributes's setting (nor hardness) because
- I can get better control of the specular/hardness with the .itx. I can set
- different subgroups's faces with the .itx where as I can't with the
- Attributes (I work with a lot of solid models). Plus it's easier to use the
- States Textures/Brushes for morphing between States.
- > Most of the time, using this option has caused me a lot of
- >grief by 'remembering' that specular overdrive is always set full-up to 10.
- What is specular overdrive?
- >...caused me a lot of grief...
- I hear this a lot from those trying to use it. :)
- >Since I'm still a little new to Imagine... I thought that perhaps I should
- >conduct a few simple tests to see just what 'Object Properties' really
- >does do. This is what I found out...
- >
- > Specifically, the attributes which are NOT re-applied correctly are;...
- >
- >Base Color...
- Again States' Face Color (IFA anyway) is used for this...
- > Specular Color, Hardness, Reflectivity, and Filter Color.
- For IFA users Specular & Hardness work fine but Reflectivity, and Filter
- Color don't.
- >
- >And the attributes that ARE re-applied correctly are;
- >
- >Roughness, Brightness, Fog, and Light settings.
- All these work in IFA also...
- >
- >If I understand correctly, this problem has only manifested itself since
- >the introduction of 'Specular Overdrive'
- That's why I want to know what this 'Beast' is. :)
- >(And again, I'll say that my work-around has been to
- >use the ABAttrib Texture to set all the basic object attributes, don't
- >check the 'Object Properties' box when working with states, and just use
- > the 'Textures / Brushes' option instead.
- Interesting, IFA doesn't have such a one attribute texture but it does have
- texture work arounds too.